Our services

From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services can help your business thrive.

Industry Expertise

ConsultUs is an industry accredited cater-corner for all the business and technological requisites of your company. We blend our vertical market expertise with an extensive targeted market research to serve definitive customized solutions to nurture your company. We serve with the belief that there is no common desideratum that fits all, each industry demands a unique slant for problem solving.

ConsultUS assists in running the cycle of develop-install-operate the tailored solutions for our clients inland and all across the globe

Strategic Staffing

Running projects in the field of Information Technology demands an optimized work staffing with the flexible proportion of contract staffing. It lightens you from a considerable over work.

  • Your employees need value addition to their skills or a quick 'on-job training' for the new applications ruling the advanced market.

  • You need reduction in cost. Why invest resources in making experts when you can hire them?

  • Utilizing the 100% productivity of your human resource for periodic projects.

  • Alternative resourceful additions for parallel projects.

  • 24-48 hour turnaround of qualified candidates for interviews.

  • Strategic Account Manager ensuring continuity in quality service and higher accountability.

IT Project Solution

ConsultUs is dedicated to help you with:

  • Strategies for Project Sourcing and Project Consulting.

  • Skilled Team Addition as per the need of your company.

  • Individual experienced Specialists to streamline with advanced technology in various industries.

  • Temporary long term staff additions to your existing employees.

  • Flexibility in Permanent Recruitment of individuals or team.

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